Peter Schmies's Word Classification Test, Text Version
Published online with permission
from the author
Maintained by Darryl Miyaguchi
Decide whether these words are either (almost) the same or (almost) opposite in meaning. Don't use any reference materials. There is no deduction for wrong answers. You may wish to mark wild guesses for your own reference.
If you would like to see your name in print, email me with your name, score, and link to your website. I will post the top scores (assuming I get that many responses!).
There is no IQ ranking for this test. However, I can offer you my own score, which is 165 correct. If I assume that I can rank my score on this test similarly to my rankings on the ISPE Vocabulary Tests 'A' and 'B' (respectively published in The Ultimate IQ Challenge, by Feenstra, Carter, and Harding, ISBN 0-7063-7232-8 and in The Ultimate IQ Book, by the same authors, ISBN 0-7063-7148-8), then that places 165 correct at the 99.9th (according to vocab 'A') or the 99.8th (according to vocab 'B') percentile in the general adult population. My scores have been remarkably consistent on these types of tests, if the experiences of others are any indication of typical score variations.
If you can match or beat my score, there is a very good chance that you would qualify for one of the 'higher IQ' societies at the 99th percentile, and at least a fair chance that you would qualify for one at 99.9th percentile.
1 whit iota 2 convene muster 3 seamy agreeable 4 minion myrmidon 5 perspicuous enigmatic 6 tumult babel 7 boredom doldrums 8 inimical antagonistic 9 desuetude disuse 10 dodge subterfuge 11 adminicular corroborative 12 tautology pleonasm 13 diplomatic gauche 14 expose ensconce 15 jejune sophisticated 16 tempestuous halcyon 17 haptic tactile 18 busybody quidnunc 19 glabrous hirsute 20 overlap imbricate 21 gnomic pithy 22 vituperate eulogize 23 benevolence altruism 24 moisten desiccate 25 predictable erratic 26 energetic zippy 27 vindicate exculpate 28 apocryphal authentic 29 splice sever 30 rigorous draconian 31 hornswoggle bamboozlex 32 exhume disinter 33 pristine spoilt 34 mealy-mouthed outspoken 35 complaisant churlish 36 oscillate vacillate 37 allay aggravate 38 imminent impending 39 pyknic ectomorphic 40 authorization fiat 41 substitute succedaneum 42 weaken enervate 43 mellifluous vitriolic 44 brag gasconade 45 pernickety finicky 46 truckle withstand 47 disproportionate commensurate 48 exalt ennoble 49 staccato legato 50 dragoon coerce 51 inanity fatuity 52 agrypnia insomnia 53 heinous nefarious 54 reverence contumely 55 dependable staunch 56 gusto zest 57 ventral dorsal 58 spendthrift skinflint 59 undaunted intrepid 60 dale glen 61 fickle flighty 62 nonchalant detached 63 unusual wonted 64 reticent garrulous 65 hebetate blunt 66 indurate callous 67 shrewdness gumption 68 rejoice bewail 69 tarnish polish 70 peculate defalcate 71 plebeian patrician 72 dour genial 73 union schism 74 amelioration deterioration 75 condense inspissate 76 excitable combustible 77 imperious deferential 78 sensible giddy 79 disperse diffuse 80 elate exhilarate 81 gingerly cautious 82 disinterested biased 83 torpid agile 84 nimiety paucity 85 perturb disconcert 86 unravel extricate 87 humble bumptious 88 exiguous scanty 89 abominate venerate 90 fluvial potamic 91 impair enfeeble 92 tousled disheveled 93 plethora dearth 94 amiable cantankerous 95 enliven invigorate 96 precocial altricial 97 thewy brawny 98 imprecise scrupulous 99 dirge threnody 100 cunctator procrastinator 101 anfractuous circuitous 102 remiss negligent 103 platitude bromide 104 contango backwardation 105 benumb animate 106 headlong tantivy 107 emollient astringent 108 brook tolerate 109 Croesus Dives 110 salmagundi gallimaufry 111 melancholic antithalian 112 hamstring facilitate 113 encourage hearten 114 clamor din 115 concave gibbous 116 miscegenation apartheid 117 entente discord 118 impromptu extempore 119 irrefragable confutable 120 etiolate whiten 121 homothermic poikilothermic 122 clemency acrimony 123 ruddy sallow 124 ostracize blackball 125 avert deflect 126 refractory tractable 127 stentorian murmurous 128 dissimulation hypocrisy 129 emaciated obese 130 stolid effusive 131 dazzling foudroyant 132 lethargic supine 133 excruciating agonizing 134 trefa kosher 135 insouciance misgiving 136 educe elicit 137 lief fain 138 dastardly craven 139 join colligate 140 nugatory precious 141 sapid insipid 142 apotheosis glorification 143 humility hauteur 144 impassive composed 145 safe precarious 146 diaphoretic sudorific 147 seditious obedient 148 attractive rebarbative 149 sumptuous opulent 150 tenuous substantial 151 propitiate conciliate 152 apopemptic valedictory 153 prospective quondam 154 referendum plebiscite 155 clandestine surreptitious 156 opaque pellucid 157 shut dehisce 158 esoteric arcane 159 fifth columnist collaborationist 160 conduce obstruct 161 litotes meiosis 162 reclusive gregarious 163 nonplus perplex 164 concinnity harmony 165 favela slum 166 assent demur 167 hybrid vigor heterosis 168 decontaminate pollute 169 extended compendious 170 rampant unrestrained 171 aporia dubiety 172 fragrant mephitic 173 obliterate expunge 174 telamones atlantes 175 revile inveigh 176 spurn embrace 177 panache swagger 178 decamp vamoose 179 intermittent incessant 180 pollyanna pessimist 181 universal catholic 182 licentious lewd 183 habituate inure 184 fuliginous brilliant 185 pretermit omit 186 affranchise enslave 187 fanciful chimerical 188 demulcent soothing 189 ephemeral evanescent 190 disburse expend 191 completed incipient 192 ornate austere 193 jeu d'esprit witticism 194 essential sine qua non 195 equivocal ambiguous 196 incapacitate enable 197 exasperate exacerbate 198 gawky ungainly 199 genuine factitious 200 bedeck adorn
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